Archive for June 30th, 2010

Footprints in the Windsm # 1070–wipe their brow

Footprints in the Windsm # 1070

How should we care for our fragile elderly? Tenderly, of course. Lovingly. Provide a level of care higher than nursing homes—someone to wipe their brow, help them clean up and not feel shame if their bowels or limbs or minds are no longer in their control. Watch to see that they are not abused, and instead treated well. Not for reasons of wealth or lack of it, but for reasons of the dignity and importance of life.

But what is the meeting place of finances and the way we care? Some things take money. Some things take care. Some people get confused and think that money can replace care.

One answer might be to remove money from the equation. But turning it over to the financial side of the community, whether the government or private insurers, subjects these our most frail to the economy’s ups and downs. We must open up our hearts and our tenderness first. Then the money will work as needed. The first level of response needs to be caring for life.

Please pass it on.

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Published in: Conversations, FootprintsintheWind/sm | on June 30th, 2010 | No Comments »

To throw in utterly our whole selves releases

To throw in utterly our whole selves releases power. The tiny atom, when split apart releases enormous power; when fused with another releases even more. When one is used up, power; when many are dissolved more power.

We are more than we are. But the key is obsession—a totality of the soul forces available to our touch.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 30th, 2010 | No Comments »

Conversing is by G*d with G*d.

Conversing is by G*d with G*d. G*d is each of us and the all there is; for G*d to speak there is commerce among G*d’s creatures.

So when we converse we are partaking in holy commerce, we are created anew by that holy commerce, each pass. Thus is the way also the truth and the life.

This holy commerce engenders life, a deeper, fierier life. Here we ignite, explode, no longer are but forever change what is. We touch G*d. We are holy, sacred action.

So in conversation, holy commerce, we go through the whole spiral, over and again: It, We, Us, Above, Whole-making. Not we through our struggles and efforts, but G*d through us. We are integral part of G*d, without which no such commerce.

But this is effortless effort: not concerned with finishing the work, merely with doing the day’s labor. We are not instruments rather partners. Fire! Exploding! Shattering! Used up, utterly.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 30th, 2010 | No Comments »


a giant, gentle horse
part of
the herd knows
the all there is creates

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 30th, 2010 | No Comments »

Framed in a new frame

Framed in a new frame
our window now a larger panorama
wonders are performed
when I take my part in We
even the frame shatters open

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 30th, 2010 | No Comments »
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