Be practical!
Look at all the effort you put in to ride a bike! Stop with all that day dreaming and playing for once. Just think, if you’d spent all that time walking, how far you could have gotten! Be practical. Walk.
:- Doug.

Look at all the effort you put in to ride a bike! Stop with all that day dreaming and playing for once. Just think, if you’d spent all that time walking, how far you could have gotten! Be practical. Walk.
:- Doug.
Hearing is beyond—a step deeper, a moving across a threshold, the threshold of assimilation, taking in, making one. Absorption is akin. It suggests osmosis—a membrane that is permeable from both sides, flowing both ways. And indeed hearing is mutual.
:- Doug.
The mystery of birth, the mysteries: How is it that cells can unite and then divide and become something that never before existed? How is it that a soul, a spirit, is embodied, become flesh to dwell among us? How is it that we are stirred, that our hearts beat faster, that we do things in response to this thing we cannot know?
How is it, beyond that, that when one of these beings, us, meets two or more of these beings, more of us, something sometimes ensues, something new in all the world? And this thing new stirs our blood?
Not everybody will want to go here with me, and that is fine. The seed will be planted, the thread, though weak, will have passed through two buttons. Maybe someone else will tie it off.
Birth is mutual: we each give birth to each other. How can that be? Like the old master who asked Jesus how can one be born again, we must indeed be born when we meet, truly meet. It is the purpose and primary effect of meeting.
So there is here, hear, mystery. There is birthing, there is new life. We are given this opportunity to live anew, to birth life anew.
:- Doug.
It’s a job, it’s work, to seek the higher and the deeper within each movement of us.
:- Doug.
We humans are given power
To birth ourselves
New individuals
Yet more profoundly
Whole, complete, single—
New us
:- Doug.
Life is poetry
Let us sing
Our joy! Our grief!
Moving with all our relation
Deeper, higher, ever better
:- Doug.
As hearing is beyond listening, so is conversation beyond discussion, and meeting beyond meetings.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1053
More important to life
than order
is not justice and compassion?
More seriously for life
than consuming
ought we to take brother and sister?
Is not life
to care to suffer to die to feel?
Please pass it on.
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What is this poetry I am seeing? It may be metaphor. It may be seeing ourselves larger. It may be calling us to our larger selves, out beyond ourselves. It may be calling us to our mysteries, such as of birth—out beyond where we know, which means out beyond where we have control. It may be calling us to our true Selves. It is likely all of these things.
If I wanted to distill them further, I would call it the mystery of our true Selves.
:- Doug.
It’s a threshold once we crossed
But never crossed
This we seek
:- Doug.
Once, twice, I saw the others
Not through my eyes but theirs
Not through my heart but theirs
Not through my being but theirs
Now we move within the truth of us
:- Doug.