…/The eyes of the world itself
How do we see with our eyes
When we remember they are
The eyes of the world itself?
:- Doug.

How do we see with our eyes
When we remember they are
The eyes of the world itself?
:- Doug.
Big talk gathers the 4 winds, then sharpens us into an instrument.
:- Doug.
We have this pet idea that we can put the universe on a leash and lead it around, yet we cannot even lead one dog on a leash!
:- Doug.
We cannot predict where big talk will take us; but we can predict that it will.
:- Doug.
Better to aggress than regress
Better address than redress
:- Doug.
What makes life life if you have to spend some of your days in a nursing home?
:- Doug.
So much we pray
Fill me
Fill me with what I want
Fill me with you
What if we prayed
Empty me?
My heaviest element is me
What if I became light
And empty as
:- Doug.
If we see our direction our journey can be more decisive.
:- Doug.
Can we get a world accent? Have we opened the way we speak—our very selves—to all?
:- Doug.
I’m providing opportunity to crack out of our (collective) shell.
:- Doug.
My mind does not sit still
It is not made to sit still
Someone says we are incapable
And still
Are not incapable
Our minds—intellectual, analyzing
Are incapable
Of heart things
& of the whole
Our hearts
& especially our Whole
Is capable
We are only incapable
When we don’t get out
Of our—Whole’s—way
Be still and know
Than me
Than us
Whole is bigger
:- Doug.
We’re tightly wound
A ribbon of DNA
Inside the inside of the heart
Of an egg
At any point we can choose
Wind tightly
(We hope to keep the fear out)
Or open
(To let the love out—and in)
Someday we
(Then we can fly)
& touch the world
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1055
Our baby never cried
Our baby was never born
We smothered it aborning
We killed it in the womb
Did not allow seed to meet egg
Our baby never cried
We would not listen
We would not hear
We covered our ears
And yours
Our baby never cried
We would not meet
Our eyes we withheld
As our ears
You do not exist
We mourn only ourselves
We must mourn, for
Our baby never cried
You we would not meet
You neighbor, friend, future
We refused to hear
Our baby never cried
Please pass it on.
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In conversation, people can reach the point where they deeply sense that for which they are there. We may not be able to invite such times, but we can open space for them.
:- Doug.
Systemic: when we have a systemic issue, how do we address it? Yesterday at the meeting I brought up that some of the problems we were seeing were systemic. That is like a cue word to say there is nothing we can do about that—it is too large for us or our current inquiry—so let’s move on to what we can tackle. But if what I am seeing is right, we are the system and we can tackle it. It means we have to work on a different leverage point. The leverage point is the blind spot, the place we do not see: how we see ourselves in (not society but) the holomovement. The meta-movement.
The meta-movement: the movement of moving. There are lots of things moving, but the current of these is what we do not see. We can turn our attention here as much as we can turn it to putting gas in the car. It is harder mental and being-level work. It threatens our self- and societal-concept.
Yet key is the fact that we are creating the current and the swirls and the flows by our very movement. Everybody is, so there are almost 7 billion of us creating our swirls and flows, some larger or stronger than others.
So, do we have any choice in what swirls we make? Can we affect how other people see the world, relate to us? Can we promote love and life, fear and death? Can we choose?
:- Doug.