Inviting you to hearnow
I need to take myself hearnow. I need to invite others hearnow. I need to open doors, windows, skylights—or I am not true to my commission. To send together.
:- Doug.
I need to take myself hearnow. I need to invite others hearnow. I need to open doors, windows, skylights—or I am not true to my commission. To send together.
:- Doug.
There is a mystery. We are here to hear. To take in, to assimilate, to become one with. To heart meld.
:- Doug.
When have you meta community?
In each person you have met, you have meta community. The mystery of our true divine human selves. Divinity is hear.
:- Doug.
Look at all the effort you put in to ride a bike! Stop with all that day dreaming and playing for once. Just think, if you’d spent all that time walking, how far you could have gotten! Be practical. Walk.
:- Doug.
We are birthing the new community.
:- Doug.