Full term, babies and conversations
We can attempt to birth the baby before its time, but that’s an abortion. Either the baby dies, or is sickly. Our conversations need to become full term.
:- Doug.
We can attempt to birth the baby before its time, but that’s an abortion. Either the baby dies, or is sickly. Our conversations need to become full term.
:- Doug.
How long? How long does it take to drill a well? Till you get to the fresh water. How long to meet each other?
:- Doug.
I’m thinking our problems
are because
we think they are problems
:- Doug.
Maybe we have to live with something in order to know it, even to get it to trust us! We become, we are, our question. Only then does it open to us. Touch, taste, smell, hear, move within, and only last see—get a body sense: Let’s get our feet on the ground before we start running.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1052
Be open, be empty, bring love.
Please pass it on.
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Perception happens. When it happens from the field itself all truly shifts.
:- Doug.