The hope for our species is in us: together.
The hope for our species is in us: together.
:- Doug.

Friend, what do you see? What healing is needful?
:- Doug.
For people on the margins
This only will do
Not mere justice—but being heard
For people in the center
This only will do
Not being heard—but hearing
:- Doug.
Meeting for me looks like reminding—re-hearting—each other—of our connection with our community. What communities are we part of and how are we connected? What is necessary for the healing of this place? What would make it whole—for us?
:- Doug.
Call to heart your heart
Call up to your coeur your neighbor
As different as he or she might be
Their heart is pink
Their blood is red
And their heart’s rhythm
Is your heart’s rhythm
Then when you hear each other’s story
They are not so far apart
That you cannot grow together
Something wonderful
For us
:- Doug.