Ritual is a crutch to help us into relationship,
Ritual is a crutch to help us into relationship, into remembering and finding and making meaning. The day will come when we will not need reminding.
:- Doug.

Ritual is a crutch to help us into relationship, into remembering and finding and making meaning. The day will come when we will not need reminding.
:- Doug.
If I take away all the little things, the labels, the I ams, then G*d is. And I am in G*d. Is that not enough and more?
:- Doug.
My mind could go away, as in Alzheimer’s for instance. My ability to write, to think, to pray, to meditate. And then would I not be meditating all day, just being present to what was happening inside and out?
:- Doug.
Maybe I will disappear as a drop in the ocean, and the ocean dry up, and yet, the salt from the tear drop will remain. God will cry it. I cannot know this, yet it warms me.
:- Doug.
Definitions limit us, as much as they liberate.
:- Doug.