Invite people together.
Invite people together.
:- Doug.

Likable people
To do
What they
Most deeply
:- Doug.
I love them because they have, together, more intelligence than I have. Can you love them because they have more intelligence than you?
:- Doug.
It is not collective as we might think of it—gathering common pieces from us—but rather it goes the opposite direction—coming from one ground of origin, something which exists apart from us but cannot live without us. It is observable, independent of individuals yet deeply growing in them. This is what deeply pleases the I within and among.
:- Doug.
Engage others in an exploration to find ways to loosen strings and weights, to free people to do what best they will.
:- Doug.
My interest is in seeing that people are ennobled to do the very best and most they will do. Anything we do which can loosen more strings, more strands and weights on them, we owe it to them to do.
:- Doug.
Instead of “holding back” speak of “setting free.”
Instead of “you don’t trust these people” say “we must persuade ourselves these people can be trusted.”
Instead of “don’t wait till they know all you know” say “let’s make use of what all they know.”
These are ways, and there are many more, to be loving and to demonstrate love for these people.
Make light fun of yourself, such as: I used to think I could control what people did, but my kids taught me otherwise.
:- Doug.
What do I truly like? The same as we all do: Meeting, doing good, making the world better in some real way. Whom do I truly like? People who are vulnerable, stretching. When we stretch we are vulnerable. We are lovable.
:- Doug.
I want to so live my days that I can say I truly liked what I made and whom I met.
:- Doug.
People can be trusted to be respectful, good, kind, creative, profound, adult, effective, collaborative, and amazing!
:- Doug.
The first way people express themselves is by naming their topic or their passion.
:- Doug.
How smart are the people here?
How involved are the people here?
What could we get people talking about?
What would you love to have happen?
:- Doug.
Our return on investment in “sustainability:” life.
:- Doug.
“Recruiting top talent” is a phrase a speaker just used—what if everyone’s top talent were welcomed, sought, developed?
:- Doug.
Goals are wishful thinking: as much as you try, you can little control your own actions; still less those of others; and the world has a habit of not holding still as our target.
:- Doug.
What is deepest and truest and most profound in each of us and is deepest and truest and most profound among us is deepest and truest and most profound.
:- Doug.
The work is small groups bringing to their village life.
:- Doug.
In the deepest essence of ourselves together we find the deepest essence of all there is. In pleasing this we please that, in giving this life we give that life.
And so we are not so very far from it. It is here inside together. We can touch and do this.
:- Doug.
Getting in touch with our own deeper essence—our shared underlying essence—is the essential thing to do to make the world work for all.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1005
I invite
To take responsibility
For what you
Most deeply
Please pass it on.
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