Why would you hobble your horse unless….
Why would you hobble your horse unless you wanted it to stand still? Why would you whisper to your horse unless you wanted to loosen its power?
:- Doug.

Why would you hobble your horse unless you wanted it to stand still? Why would you whisper to your horse unless you wanted to loosen its power?
:- Doug.
Here is a major choice for our days: How do we meet this next person: nasty or namasté?
:- Doug.
There are no passengers in the universe. All have weight. All work. For good or ill.
:- Doug.
Discovering what is likable in others—the first step. The continuing step—deepening, extending, unfolding.
:- Doug.
Invitations by chance: Can we go abroad interviewing each other, inviting others to partake? Inviting those who particularly accept to come to a larger conversation?
:- Doug.
Invitation in the chance encounter: We need to have open eyes, welcoming eyes, questioning, expecting eyes. Eyes that ask: Friend, what can we be about?
:- Doug.
What if the wild diversity of views we have of ways to address our economic-climate conundrum, what if this very diversity were a resource and not a problem?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1006
It has ever been and ever will be our task to find our generative ways to between and among—to make an us—.
Please pass it on.
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What are the psychological and sociological costs to this nation, twice yearly, of upsetting the circadian rhythms? What happens to productivity, accident rates, sales of aspirin and other drugs?
:- Doug.
Taking others’ fears
Into yourself
By their hands
Calling them by name
Shows the fears as
Small and Vulnerable
As they are
And our own vulnerability
And in that, we touch
What holds us up
:- Doug.
Who am I?
A person who
Seeks to bring happiness
Is a particle and wave
Of G*d
Wants all voices heard
Wants all hands engaged
Wants all hearts touching
The deep
:- Doug.
What in us wants to be heard is the particle of G*d.
:- Doug.
I am bringing the meeting of God alive into this world. You can do so too.
:- Doug.
My work is for all the community groups here.
:- Doug.
Keep with others: I’m not giving up on you. Why should I give up on you?
:- Doug.
Let’s get beyond what we know, so we can expand our love.
:- Doug.
Could it be that we most deeply fear each other—our goodness, truth, beauty? Our power, talent, glory?We do.
This is what I am working to overcome with the only thing that will: love.
We have built our community and culture on this fear, and it is precisely this fear that we need to disorganize.
:- Doug.