A Will can be sacred.
A Will can be sacred.
:- Doug.

We are about gathering, planting, propagating living among us. There is life here in the person who is entering a nursing home, in the person who is in need of a guardian: how best to fully realize the life that’s there?
:- Doug.
We need to re-construct our minds
And more, our hearts
To hear
Each other
Allow the space to enter in
To us
:- Doug.
What if G*d were
The Big Bang
Flying out in all directions
Reaching expanding creating space
Rhythm, tone, motion, embrace?
G*d is the Big Bang
Of my heart
:- Doug.
Einstein and Open Space: space is expanding in every direction. It follows from space expanding that life is invited. Some see the invitation as meant for others; some reject it. Yet in the few who accept there is hope for life.
:- Doug.
Where are the smiles, where are the tears? These are simple direct paths to depth.
:- Doug.
Little swallow
2-Way communication
Oceans of darkness
2-Way communication
Visions of a great people
From a hill
2-Way communication
Cell phones set to silence
2-Way communication
Why do you betray me?
2-Way communication
Sprouting living
2-Way communication
:- Doug.
Every sprout of life grows every bit of life in its field.
:- Doug.
Bringing people together taps huge energies, but only when we realize that together means something much greater than we imagine. It means meeting not assembling. It means freeing what’s in to come out not pounding in new stuff. It means splitting and fusing the nuclear ideas bouncing among us not making a few more widgets or bake sales.
:- Doug.
Unfolding the world takes monumental effort, prodigious quantities of imagination, and scary levels of passion. Little and lukewarm misses the mark (yes, I speak of sin). Yet what would G*d want but all from us and a grand party!
:- Doug.
The larger view of the world is one which is in process, unfolding. The larger view of our personal roles in the world is to jump in with the very best of our minds and hearts and turn the crank.
:- Doug.
We cannot intensify life by being lukewarm. We must have the courage to open the space. We must have courage to open the space. We must encourage people to actually jump in. Holding people apart is the same as binding their hands.
:- Doug.
I reject the notion that we are only here to eat.
Our task is much larger. We must move beyond business for accumulating to seeing commerce as intensifying our living. The only way we intensify living is to point life to life. Strike life against life. Mingle them. Allow them to produce what they will produce—more life.
Intensify life more. Open space more. Same thing.
:- Doug.
So we must perhaps raise this to conscious levels, call people to the question, demand a choice. Death or life? Consumerism or abandon? It or Thou? In other words, Power Point or roll up your sleeves?
This is confronting Fear, capital F. We have much to Fear in our shadow. But cast a light and you will love. Fear dies in the light.
:- Doug.
To intensify life: humanity is the intensifying agent in the universe. We are not catalyst, for we are used up, and here to be used up. Not detached facilitator, but host who parties.
:- Doug.
We are asking you What is the very best in you? We are asking you to give that and nothing less. To us. To the us that is so large it is one.
:- Doug.
Attending a larger world beyond rescuing us from a mess: if such is G*d’s role then G*d will be seen inviting us on this larger Cosmos to work.
Now I see G*d as continuing to create universes, complexifying, unfolding: How can G*d not create! This means that G*d’s role—and therefore ours—is structure-preserving differentiation and transformation. This means that G*d wants to involve us in the work of the worlds—creating and repairing and making whole. It is a big task! Bigger than simply pulling us out of our messes. Bigger than simply giving us a couch potato existence in an afterlife. G*d puts us to work—now and forever. So what that means is that we have a G*d much bigger than a lovable old man on a big chair. And a Heaven bigger than sitting around eating sweets and singing Alleluias.
We have an active G*d, one who is action itself. Rhythm and Movement and Song are good metaphors, but they only hint at the shadow of the truth. There is so much to do. This might be another name for G*d.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1007
Given that life and I and being are in essence vibration, what is the way to evolving being in higher quality? The structure of the world being vibration of living, then we need to look first for the life breathing in front of us, and see what we can do to preserve and extend that breath.
It is subtle this life. There is life even in the ugliest buildings, in the highway slashing the city asunder. We must look long and deeply. We must look with our own vibrations of love and life. Then we must gently, lovingly point them up, add to them.
So that is a clue as to how. How: transform by preserving structure, by preserving the process and the vibration already resonating. Step by step we see what is there, we add vibrations.
So this is what my task is about. This is what life is about. So far as I know today.
Please pass it on.
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Enhancing, intensifying, raising value: these are far better things to be about than sustaining. These have the power to stir our blood and carry us to the future.
:- Doug.
When we are working well we are intensifying G*d.
:- Doug.
We create a resonance effect when we are standing near another. This resonance is strengthened the more you are on the same wave-length: that is, you are both touching something important to each and to both of you. The closer you together get to this significant question, the more you both vibrate to the same tune.
:- Doug.