We need to re-construct our minds / And more, our hearts / To
We need to re-construct our minds
And more, our hearts
To hear
Each other
Allow the space to enter in
To us
:- Doug.

We need to re-construct our minds
And more, our hearts
To hear
Each other
Allow the space to enter in
To us
:- Doug.
What if G*d were
The Big Bang
Flying out in all directions
Reaching expanding creating space
Rhythm, tone, motion, embrace?
G*d is the Big Bang
Of my heart
:- Doug.
Einstein and Open Space: space is expanding in every direction. It follows from space expanding that life is invited. Some see the invitation as meant for others; some reject it. Yet in the few who accept there is hope for life.
:- Doug.
Where are the smiles, where are the tears? These are simple direct paths to depth.
:- Doug.
Little swallow
2-Way communication
Oceans of darkness
2-Way communication
Visions of a great people
From a hill
2-Way communication
Cell phones set to silence
2-Way communication
Why do you betray me?
2-Way communication
Sprouting living
2-Way communication
:- Doug.