Move into the rhythm / listen for the beat of life
Move into the rhythm
listen for the beat of life
:- Doug.

Move into the rhythm
listen for the beat of life
:- Doug.
Where did we humans get the idea of straight lines, rectangles and triangles? Surely there are none of these in nature: they seem to be human constructs.
:- Doug.
Here is what was missing in the angry screaming sessions they called town hall meetings this summer: people did not think things could be better. They did not work toward that. They merely clung, screaming, to their little twig. This is probably not even good conservative philosophy. But if we start from the premise that we can make things better, there is hope, and we are already starting up the hill and out of the slough.
:- Doug.
Open Space: The luxury of people who really care and time to work on something that matters to you.
Can a need be a luxury? This is something we don’t get often, but truly need. We need it if we want the world to be better.
:- Doug.