…A loan bird….
The pond seems glassy, the few leaves on the little maple are still hanging on, little air is moving. Cool, damp and grey. A loan bird lands in the far ask tree, then moves off to the West.
:- Doug.

The pond seems glassy, the few leaves on the little maple are still hanging on, little air is moving. Cool, damp and grey. A loan bird lands in the far ask tree, then moves off to the West.
:- Doug.
Come to me, life
pass me by or
carry me in your current of
the all there is
I wish to strain not
to find thee
babies smiles, traffic loud
allow, allow
float with
:- Doug.
Fifteen words
Where is life in this?
What most needs intensifying?
Who is here?
Will you?
:- Doug.
Of what are we conscious if we are no longer burdened by memory or even mind? Is there more to see? Have we asked people who have gone before us?
:- Doug.