Move into the moment—move toward the plenum.
Move into the moment—move toward the plenum.
:- Doug.

Open space is committee work with some differences: it is done intensively, in compressed time; the people there are the ones doing the committing.
:- Doug.
Trying to get ahead of another, say in traffic, and much competition is anti-one and therefore anti-life.
:- Doug.
What difference does this plenum offer? It invites us to place hands upon the larger and steer the world.
It offers us to touch each other and to meet as beings.
The plenum offers us the necessity of acting upon what is most deeply in our hearts. We thought we were here to make money and support our family financially when in fact we were here to be family and touch each other and the world, opening it to the fullness.
:- Doug.
Maybe all this does not open a window on the original substance but on the substance toward which we are headed—intermediate or completion.
:- Doug.