Let’s say there is something going on in your town or in your work that you feel strongly about. What might that be?
Let’s say there is something going on in your town or in your work that you feel strongly about. What might that be?
:- Doug.

Let’s say there is something going on in your town or in your work that you feel strongly about. What might that be?
:- Doug.
So much of the argument in the political realm these days, say health care, is around and around ego-driven concepts, not what really matters at base. What matters at base is not the cost of health care, for the cost of unhealth is much higher. That is not to say that we will pay any price.
What matters is that we and everybody we touch is healthy.
The questions then about how do we get there are mere details. If we can steer away of ego and of the ego-driven need to fill this pocket or that at the expense of another, we can get there.
:- Doug.
Each piece of reality—person, process, happening—distends the straight lines of the world and I can no longer see the whole way in any direction.
:- Doug.