A meeting is the sanctification and illumination of the lives of those meeting, of life….
Christopher Alexander in The Nature of Order: An Essay on the Art of Building and The Nature of the Universe, Book Three: A Vision of a Living World, p 438, says something about a room which applies also to meeting. Permit me to rework his words just a little, to say something we all knew before, but had not yet put into words:
A meeting is the sanctification and illumination of the lives of those meeting, of life. It is life made manifest. The meeting, like a cradle or a gathering together of life, is, in its essence, the place of a thousand joys and sorrows, the receptacle of our lives and our children’s lives, the embodiment, in physical order, of what our spirit has been and is becoming.
That is, perhaps, the true purpose of a meeting. It is comfort, but true comfort, an inner spiritual comfort. A comfort of action as well as solitude.
:- Doug.