There are three parents/Of whatever emerges—/
There are three parents
Of whatever emerges—
Those who design
Those who build
Those who will live there
Each is unique
Together they see macroscopically
:- Doug.

There are three parents
Of whatever emerges—
Those who design
Those who build
Those who will live there
Each is unique
Together they see macroscopically
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 984
There is a “be there” button after all: it is in our hearts. If we can accept that we are on a round ball and we are always starting, then we are always here. And here is where we can have the life we seek. Not just for us individually. But for us as a whole, as a part of The life. So we live it fully. Here. Now. Hear.
Please pass it on.
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We start from whole and move toward wholer by differentiating.
:- Doug.
Emergence is the process of
Finding the life &
Making it stronger
Finding the whole &
Making it wholer
Finding the uniquenesses &
Making them more unique
:- Doug.
A pattern language is pre-poetry, a listing of qualities felt in something yet latent.
:- Doug.