Goals and purposes differ from each other *more than* walls from windows…. Goals have three difficulties…
Goals and purposes differ from each other more than walls from windows. Plans and processes differ even more.
Why? Purposes move; goals are fixed. Purposes are clear, lucid, see-through; goals are opaque, with invented pictures of what things can be like.
Goals have three difficulties: 1. The steps from here to there cannot be known at the start; 2. The end position cannot be known in all its effects, positive and negative; 3. The What’s next? question is left dangling. So we are left with a jerky, stop and start motion, and a need for head intervention.
1. Purposes specifically do not know the steps: the process (Do what’s most life-intensifying here, now) takes care of those. Each day, each time. 2. Purposes do not try to delimit any end position: just every step makes the whole ever better. 3. The What’s Next? is already known at every point in time: Intensify living. It is smooth as a pair of dancers, turning, seeing, gracefully back and forth, swaying to the rhythm.
:- Doug.