How would we sketch a conversation, its centers, how it moves, transforms, disappears, acquires life and power?
How would we sketch a conversation, its centers, how it moves, transforms, disappears, acquires life and power?
:- Doug.

How would we sketch a conversation, its centers, how it moves, transforms, disappears, acquires life and power?
:- Doug.
We are all one whole. I am enlivened by all about me, I enliven the whole as I enliven all about me. Let’s do this consciously, what say?
:- Doug.
The bulb and the image it casts and the screen upon which it is cast each means nothing without the others: the meaning is the whole system and process. The whole generates the centers, the centers intensify the whole and the whole intensifies the centers: each are necessary to the other.
:- Doug.
Centers are fields within which we work. If we work with another, the field is enlarged, the center strengthened. The center may be an idea or a movement or a feeling—this is what draws us together, not the person. Centers are these shimmering ephemera, very real, palpable, which draw us to working together.
:- Doug.
People are not centers. Things are not centers. Centers are centers. Centers are things, done physically. People are potential centers within the centers, but none alone is the center of the center.
:- Doug.