Thinking of one thing, reading of many:
I think about one thing and read about many. This keeps my mind freshened, my spirit winging.
:- Doug.

I think about one thing and read about many. This keeps my mind freshened, my spirit winging.
:- Doug.
What we have here is a failure to initiate community imagining.
Last night a young couple told our little group their frustrations trying to get a home of their own. “We looked into Habitat for Humanity, but because I have a court judgment against me, they turned me down.”
Much later someone in the group asked “What if we pooled our money and loaned you enough to pay off the judgment? Then you could qualify for Habitat.”
What we had here was a failure to initiate community imagining.
Many of our problems today cause us to suffer for this same reason: a failure to imagine. In community we can imagine more and better. We can get past impasses small and sometimes large. We can get past fighting to common ground. We can become larger than our problems.
Let us invite our community together to imagine….
:- Doug.
First we calm our minds; then we can watch how we work.
Invitation, going round the circle, defining or reaching agreement on our task are us doing the first; seeing how we work enables us to work together (our primary task) and get something done (our secondary). The process gives us us. We can now embody us in world.
Together becomes verb; together becomes larger than the sum of the individuals by an order of florescence.
Together we: calm our minds; gain insight. Insight shows us our habit of seeing ourselves as if we were separate, and helps us break free.
:- Doug.