Every thing is alive…
Everything is alive because
Everything is
:- Doug.

We are fracturing as a society because we see all value as opinion and so we thump others trying to get them to buy our concept. Can we find a shared values ground?
:- Doug.
We go to lectures because we seek the expert, someone to solve us, or at least give us the necessary clue, what we missed. A savior. The problem is, there is no such person
We are in this together. There is not one of us who is in this life alone.
We must do it all together as co-laborers—all of us—it is the only way forward. Each of us has but a piece, only all of us together have the whole.
Life is inter-dynamic.
:- Doug.
I am not in control
None of us are
Yet our sail catches the wind
The sail we raise together
:- Doug.
We can never attain perfection
only move toward it
this defines heaven
:- Doug.
We have to keep trying to do better for our clients. But they—and often we—only want to get it over—completion speed no quality is our drive. What to learn? This is true of all our human interactions. How do we even know we’re getting better?
:- Doug.
We have divinity within our blood
We are the second coming
& perfecting of the world comes to our hand
No one no one else will do what we will
:- Doug.
We are each of us
Completed—almost—by those around us
And gathering the most around
The most incomplete of all—
:- Doug.
Not to calculate like a math problem
Not to memorize lest we forget
Not to subdivide into points on a chalkboard
Not to be conjured up by our rituals
G*d is to meet
:- Doug.
The wireless computer signals go from the dentist’s computer to the cutting machine in back, which works for the patient in the next room a new tooth. Those signals go right through me—so am I now a part of that tooth? The cell phone signals around us swirl and go through us—are we a part of all the conversations? Thoughts and dreams are awash around us in all the people we see and don’t see—are we a part of all conversation?
:- Doug.
We like to have shelter
We like to have a place
We like to be with friends
Were it not for these we
Would like these two ducks in the
Wild fly and swim
Wherever and eat
What we came across
:- Doug.
We are in this world together, and how it is for us is how it is for all of us. The each is a part of the all.
:- Doug.
Coming together means—
Inclusive of all beings, sentient or otherwise
Moving, acting.
Together, gathering
Larger than life. Literally
We are on a path
We are and we do
For each other
For the whole
From the whole
:- Doug.