It’s the leaning in…
It’s the helping of the conversation
That makes the conversation good—
The leaning in
It’s the helping of the living
That gives us our life—
The leaning in
:- Doug.

It’s the helping of the conversation
That makes the conversation good—
The leaning in
It’s the helping of the living
That gives us our life—
The leaning in
:- Doug.
We dare not solve life
once for all time
we must continually
go out
Meeting we find living
:- Doug.
Living is increased
by concentrating it
focusing it
on other living
:- Doug.
The stream bubbles
& giggles, runs & lies low and broad
Roars & whispers
Yet it is not alive
Save that it gives life to
Birds, deer, fish, child
& woodlands, meadows, city
& sea
It’s not just flow
Flow has a purpose
:- Doug.
To activate our humanity rising detectors
—This is not merely a cute saying
It is why we are here
—To stir up life
From its slumbers of separation
To living
:- Doug.