Maybe you’re workin’ too hard…
You’re workin’ too hard
You’re gettin’ in the way of G*d
:- Doug.

You’re workin’ too hard
You’re gettin’ in the way of G*d
:- Doug.
I need to be about something meaningful. With this realization and others like it my decision to not retire but stay active in the work begins to give me joy.
:- Doug.
Given that we have within us Bull Puckee detectors, we also have detectors of the profound and the spirit. Witness a sunset or place a small child’s hand in ours and we know.
:- Doug.
Tell me about a time (as a member of a group) when you felt you really accomplished something. Please describe it. Tell me how it felt. At the time, did you feel your humanity rising or declining?
:- Doug.