Many hands:
One mind, one heart, many hands: the human heard.
:- Doug.

The vision is: People rolling up their sleeves to make happen among them what they love, in this circle, this neighborhood, this hemisphere. People leaning in, hearing and heard. People with heads and hearts and hands open wide. People more than people. We are growing more than people here.
:- Doug.
We have replaced contracting with consuming. Contracting is meeting to get something done—we will work together in an agreed upon way to attain something.
Consuming ends in being consumed—look at our people trapped in huge all-consuming bodies and tell me it is not so. Look at our money system foreclosing our homes and taking our labor.
We no longer approach the world as neighbors—as agents acting upon the world—as life-givers, but as victims, as done-to couch potatoes.
If we want to be more, we must meet more, do more, come together.
:- Doug.
We have been individuals: we are now called to become whole.
:- Doug.
How in these hard economic times do we change the character of humanity? Change its heart?
:- Doug.
We do not have imaginal discs: we are human, not insects. But we have imagination and spirit which in the human amounts to the same thing, and it is this that is the seed of our next nature.
What is the evidence I have of this? The laboratory of life and of Open Space: people working together accomplish more, change themselves, change the world: in character, not just degree. Tsunami, hurricane, 9-11 are transformed into new resolve and love outpouring. Persons telling their pain leads to peoples taking action for them all together. No longer particles grasping, people become whole, unified in their variegated skills and passions.
:- Doug.