If we are to grow, if we are to progress,
If we are to grow
If we are to progress
If we are to make a better world
We must converse
:- Doug.

If we are to grow
If we are to progress
If we are to make a better world
We must converse
:- Doug.
It is our inmost selves who are already one. Hidden from view, touched and touching by a few, covered as by a grey cloth for most, a cloth diaphanous or blanketing. From here we reach out into the world, as our awareness opens the way: some to contend, some to embrace.
:- Doug.
How we shall be, how we shall live, a new form of species, is what is at stake: A new dimension that we have not lived before. The between dimension.
The between dimension. We are wide, tall and thick; we are also connecting. We may be connected or disconnected from others and from the all there is, at any particular time.
:- Doug.
“We always tend to forget that the supernatural is a leaven, a life-principle, not a complete organism.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Hymn of the Universe, p 111. We humans are not complete organisms, either. We need each other; we need the divine. When we reach out to others and to G*d, we are remembering that we are incomplete, and we seek to complete ourselves with others and the whole. No, we are not complete organisms: we are completing.
:- Doug.