we enter the primary drama, and…
When we choose to make the world good, we enter the primary drama, full of protagonists (us!) and antagonists. Little wonder then that we arouse opposition.
:- Doug.

When we choose to make the world good, we enter the primary drama, full of protagonists (us!) and antagonists. Little wonder then that we arouse opposition.
:- Doug.
There is a drama being played out within us, moment by moment:
What is the drama? Giving up? Disenchantment? Ennui? Disintegration? Giving over to others? Thinking it’s all decided when it is your thinking that so decides? Others holding us back? Are we holding us back?
The dénouement is in the decision, daily.
There is a drama being played out within us, moment by moment: Will we make the world good, or will we not? We choose.
Do we speak with this stranger, or put it off till we are ready? When is ready? The opening is now.
The drama is Which direction will we choose?
There are a hundred directions to choose, both away from good and toward good. The drama is in will we choose for good, for the destiny of perfecting of the world, and in Teilhard’s thought, the arriving at something trans-human. So the perfecting of the world is in something a step beyond humankind. This is the direction we are headed. Will we do something to carry us beyond where we are, something better?
What is that next step? The indications are that it is in togethering, betweening, collaborating.
:- Doug.
How do you focus on a distributed G*d?
One at a time…
:- Doug.
It is not my job to energize you. It is my job to get out of your way and maybe help you get out of your way. It is my job to let you open your own way.
:- Doug.