Ignite their divinity!
Touch them, ignite their divinity! Find a way. Make some calls. Open some space. See what works. Into this fire!
:- Doug.
Touch them, ignite their divinity! Find a way. Make some calls. Open some space. See what works. Into this fire!
:- Doug.
If we see G*d as energy at one time and old grey monarch another, what of it? Both are true, it would seem. The difference might be attributed to observer participancy, or to timing, or maybe something else.
Conversation is the combustion of fuel and oxygen, live questions and persons. Heat and light—fire!—is the result: knowing each other and seeing clearer—doing!
:- Doug.
We project G*d in our daily rounds
Not as we wish nor as we are nor as G*d is
Rather as comes from the lens of who & what & where
:- Doug.
The light and heat of fire are one
Neither arises from the other but both together
Combustion is the conversation of tinder and oxygen
Fire projects the first two, consumes the second
The who has a name & person, God & It
:- Doug.
Maybe there’s no G*d apart from us
No us apart from G*d
Then all we are is us—together
& calling each other by our names
is what we each most want
& all there ever is
& where we both are heading
:- Doug.
Absolutely essential
for the world’s perfection
only one thing brings forth good
conversing—flowing together
:- Doug.
one does not exist apart from One
Nor one from another
We do not exist apart from G*d
G*d does not exist apart from us
We need each other
We need to meet each other
We need to hear someone call our name
:- Doug.
Prayer is meeting
In the betweens
Stirring each other
In the stirring, divinity
:- Doug.