You know not a frog in…
You know not a frog in the tadpole but in the hop.
:- Doug.

Where the river meets the sea
neither river neither sea
making something new, estuary
nor are either the same ever after
sweet & salt, rushing & pondering
making meeting making whole
:- Doug.
The ocean has currents
the ocean has colors
the ocean is alive
and nurtures life
beasts & many life forms
strange & wonderful
the seas & the salt
the brine & the waves
moving moving
:- Doug.
There is ever only the one Question
I ask it all day long
of this book I read
in each conversation
of each person I meet
in each joke I tell
of the news I read and hear
in my prayer & in my paying no attention
in my sleeping, dreaming, eating
in the shower and on the phone
surfing the Web and checking email
every minute every hour it comes around
in the eve and in the mourn
How then shall we live?
:- Doug.
Don’t listen to me! I am in pain. I moan. I am captive. I groan. I am confined, unfree in my poverty. My children starve, their bellies distend—they cry out. No, do not listen to me: hear me.
:- Doug.
Goal-setting is an attempt to sever the essential complexity from reality; to simplify to the point of jots on a paper the immense interrelationships of people, environment, fields, chaos, and all the rest. It is the work of minds hoping to skip the work of life by ignoring the larger part of it.
:- Doug.
When feeling perverse
When feeling reverse
Verse! Sing!
Turn! Dance! Compost!
:- Doug.