Language flows
What we are letting flow is in large extent, maybe only, language. This occurs by communication—we speak or write the word that creates, we turn the compost, we fell the trees.
:- Doug.

What we are letting flow is in large extent, maybe only, language. This occurs by communication—we speak or write the word that creates, we turn the compost, we fell the trees.
:- Doug.
It is not even synergy we seek, in the sense of separate projects helping each other. Instead, we are inviting community of the whole: one community, one enterprise, each one not painting its own little canvas but adding to the larger mural.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 955
What if humanity meant something different from what it yet has?
What if meaning and purpose and spirit became part of our gathering, bringing us not a better world, but better persons? Not one by one, but together. Together is the trans-human.
The trans-human is forever gathering out of the mist, we are seeing more of what is possible. For us.
Please pass it on.
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The old way of organizing—getting large numbers of people to act against authority—operates out of an It view of people. The new way proposes that people are real, capable of relating and changing.
:- Doug.
We create our world out of language. Once we put a word to something, we have lifted up this something from the background, given it color and edges. This is why we are desperate to know the name of our disease—for then we fence it, put a handle on it, control it. Language, conversation and persons are of one cloth. Our existence depends on the openness of others to say our name and mean us, to recognize us in conversation. A traffic signal performs its function and is a traffic signal only because of the language and agreements of humans. More subtly, the same is true of a spoon, a hand, an eye, a porcupine, a brick wall.
:- Doug.
A field of fields
Fields emerging
Fields holding back
All ways touching
All fields
All fields
All fields
:- Doug.
Dollars and Numbers are a limited and limiting way of looking at the world. They do not represent everything there is, nor everything that is important, nor can they.
Beyond this: Dollars and Numbers are creatures of humanity. They are unknown to butterflies and chipmunks.
Numbers state relationships: this number of X is more than this number. All mathematics are ways of stating relationships: + – * / Σ ∆ ∏ √ ³. In this way, math does give us a language for the real, but it is only a map, not the territory. X numbers of people below the poverty line does not convey the tears and bone tiredness and invisibility. For that we need a song “Cellophane” in a movie Chicago. Our numbers cannot for me express what it is like to be looked right through, but my experience tells me.
Numbers do more than collect large groups of similars: they tend to tell us the similars are sames, when they are not. They remove the experience of the muscles and emotions and soul and spirit.
If we begin to think that our math is the only real, we have restricted our thinking, made it rigid, as Bohm says.
Beyond this: is it also an imaginary realm? It can be.
Which is more real? That may not be the best question, for they are both real. However, Which is more fundamental, more at the base? Which is the territory beyond the map?
:- Doug.
Yes, we do see the outside (world) as full of fears; the fire of life of the all there is is delightful. Let it flow! Let it flow in, let it flow out, let it flow among and between. The flowing never stops—it is the stuff of creation, and we cannot go where it does not flow. The corn of Numbers and Dollars and the temporary world is just that—corn. The lights of this world are turned low because the light with which we see is so much lighter. The lights of this world are the storm, but it is the storm of life that is real—if we remember and hold tight each other, we can be warm all the way. Home.
Let it flow! Let it flow! Let it flow!
:- Doug.
We are verb: we are flowing. We are in divinity, touching the all there is, and our flowing makes us, makes the difference. We are more needed than we ever imagined.
:- Doug.