Footprints in the Windsm # 954
Footprints in the Windsm # 954
To round out our work
To hear the work telling us what needs doing
To enter into the space between never knowing where or how we will end up, with the purpose of throwing ourselves fully into its adventure for good
To seek out others of like heart
To let the work tell you what it wants—where the natural turns & breaks & curves are—so you can avoid forcing and cracking its utility and beauty
To be curious about how all this will come out…
To wait out beyond our grasping for immediate results so as to allow something of ourselves—and others’—O and all others’—out to full play, knowing—no, hoping & expecting—something larger will play with us…
To open space for new life, curious & squalling
To open in ourselves a space of mind…
This is the way of life; we can choose
Please pass it on.
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