Sustainability is an anti-business word
Sustainability is an anti-business word; if we want business as an ally, we must find a better word.
:- Doug.
Sustainability is an anti-business word; if we want business as an ally, we must find a better word.
:- Doug.
Before you print something consider your grandchildren and whether they will have trees with which to build houses for their children.
:- Doug.
The way to be larger
is to make yourself smaller
than and a part of
something transcending
:- Doug.
Become essential to your world
one of a kind
but such of our kind
a part
a participant
standing for what’s important
in your sight
standing forth
:- Doug.
What are the things in your life that mean the most to you, things you’d like your loved ones to have, too?
:- Doug.
What would you leave in your Will if it were not stuff you owned? What do you hold in trust? What do you hold in your mind or your heart? What do you want to give wings?
If you could not Will away what you own, what would you most want to Will to your loved ones? My mind and heart goes to:
o sunsets
o lazy summer days spent lying on your back watching clouds shift their shapes
o star-gazing arm-in-arm with a loved one
o conversations that reveal our real selves
o cooing to babies
o laughing till you cry
o crying till you laugh
o holding a little hand in yours
:- Doug.
And if my task be spreading the message, what then?
How much sweat? How little sweating? How far go? How open and hearing?
Including, creating, collaborating, singing, poetry-making, story-telling, question-asking, loving, nurturing, being, wholing, sitting-with, opening….
:- Doug.
The mechanism and the cause
separate the two and see
what you might
Big Banging
Self organizing
:- Doug.
We have a tough way to go to become tender.
:- Doug.
We need the very best of your head & heart. Think you we are asking grunt labor? No: we want your best ideas, best efforts, highest passions—united with ours—not our projects or yours, but both become stronger, more inclusive more far reaching & effective. Use our imaginations to create how that might be.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 935
It is our responsibility to give the future our choice. This might be a bold choice: act! It might also be a quiet, sit at home and nurture choice: this too is bold.
Please pass it on.
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Can we turn our minds around & catch glimpse that growth might be in our souls our humanness our expansiveness instead of expanding bellies and purses? Pillaging our own tent to see how much we can carry off will not serve us any longer; we have larger steeper peaks to climb.
:- Doug.
How could JHWH survive
except in a tribe?
one person dies
but a tribe procreates
generation on generation
:- Doug.
One direction
:- Doug.
What’s the poetry of your life?
What gives you cause
To sing?
:- Doug.
Leave an opening: people need openings
Large at least enough for a heart or mind
Blue enough for a shape-shifting cloud
Emerging with us into stories unexpected
Leave us an opening
:- Doug.
Activists have a problem: how to get people active. We have two models in our head: the classroom/corporate slide show; and marching in the streets. The second excites for a day; the first passes along information. It is the best we can say for either. They do not get us where we want to go, if we want to engage, long term, whole persons.
:- Doug.
When is our universe-generating moment?
What role shall we play?
Consent to cause
Without knowing what?
:- Doug.
Getting our message out there adds to the quantity of love, goodness, truth, beauty, freedom, opening in the world. When it tips is not for us to predict.
:- Doug.
I’m a human being. And you?
:- Doug.
I heard “annoyed” and I thought “What is a Noid? No I.D.? No id?”
:- Doug.
What is the role of metaphor, story, song, and question in our times?
:- Doug.
Let’s get out of our way!
:- Doug.