We are so well organized
We are so well organized We have no time for play laughter poetry The song is gone from our heart Perhaps we need Disorganizing
:- Doug.
We are so well organized We have no time for play laughter poetry The song is gone from our heart Perhaps we need Disorganizing
:- Doug.
Brother song, Sister dance
There’s a little music in—each—of us
a little dance
hear move touch
:- Doug.
The more life we allow, the more we experience, the more we all live.
:- Doug.
The more we WEave people together, the more their worlds open—and sing—and ours. Maybe it works the other way round too.
:- Doug.
The only way to open hearts of people is to open their hearts. If we want the same old, then we should go about it in the same old way; if we want new, we need to open ourselves to new ways.
So the issue is mine. And the resolution is with the first motion: love. I have been afraid to trust the people. I too try to control the results too much. I want you to open space, to let people be heard. It is less important that I be heard than that you are heard.
:- Doug.
Fear it is I am confronting. Fear is hard to overcome. Name it. Tell stories not of how others got to where they were going, but perhaps of my own fears and the power of unknowing going, of trusting the people.
It is process. So I give my message and they do with it as they please. Space is opened, at least for an instant in their mind’s eye, hopefully in their heart. If it closes again, it will be easier to open next time. Keep up with the message.
:- Doug.
What is the poetry
the song
of your life?
What key
What the music
What the beat
What the rhythm
:- Doug.
After we reach maturity
we live—why?
To continue growth
which is life
is one possible answer
Corn, once it reaches maturity
gives its produce, then dies, complete
Trees go on for generations
still growing taller, wider
producing flower and seed
Animals are able to produce offspring
and live that long and then some
Humans seem to go on
much longer
Life is growth;
How then is G*d’s growing?
G*d is living we say
it follows then that G*d is growing
We are living
it follows so are we
G*d is growing as
the universe expands
we learn
we grow
we love
we reach out
we embrace
but it is not simply us
all of creation
all of that creating creating
G*d’s heart grows?
G*d is touched,
becomes more
encompasses more
If G*d be the creating
then G*d cannot be omniscient
for how could G*d
both create & know?
What would be the fun?
(& G*d is fun)
Fun is in the moment
so too love
so too creating
And all is growing
the All There Is is growing
meeting conversing
growing growing
And we still don’t know
but we can touch, embrace
:- Doug.
Crying aloud—we have seen spring!
This at once our life, our sacrifice,
our growth!
Our cry is anguish and joy, twined
Tears of joy, laughter of suffering
We have seen the truth and
the ugliness and
it is beauty!
It is the only way…we sleep last
:- Doug.
It was difficult for the mule-driving farmer of the 1800s to realize that sitting at a desk is work. It is at least as difficult for the person working at a desk to realize that conversation is getting work done.
:- Doug.
The one you sit with when you sit alone
come with
sit some more
in silence some more
being some more
:- Doug.
What if it were the connections that created the connecting points and what if it were the spaces within which the connections moved that created the connections, and what if…? What if the motion of all together creates all together, and what if…?
What if we realized this is divinity?
Reality, the all there is, is WEaving.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 936
Never doubt
The value to another
When you try, not knowing if…
When my parents died
I told my friends online
In that cold, impersonal, often cruel world
And coming back to me
Through those hard metal wires
Among the bits and bytes
Was pure love
And it warmed me
A dozen years passed
And it warms me still
Please pass it on.
© c 2009, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com. Back issues available at http://www.FootprintsintheWind.com
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We are more. We have dreams. We have stories. We can fly. Do we want to? Have we forgotten we want to?
:- Doug.
What beyond the real estate are we closing today? What are we opening?
Stories? Dreams? Memories?
:- Doug.
What if this is not a new project: what if it were synergy? Would you accept the help on your project?
:- Doug.