Meeting mobilizes
Meet and mobilize. Meeting mobilizes.
:- Doug.
Meet and mobilize. Meeting mobilizes.
:- Doug.
Bequeathing virginity to the everyday; life is a series of voyages from which there is no return, always the boat goes forward, even if our eyes turn back, forward, whichever direction we steer.
:- Doug.
Attend to what is now, unclouded by hope or despair; do right. Meeting is the main event, meetings might come of them, progress perhaps: meet often, meet now. Sister Music, Brother Dance: touch wonder. Hear, move, touch. Worlds opened, singing, WEave us together. Poetry touches core; all have core. Cry aloud! Even if all turn their backs, cry aloud!
:- Doug.
I am a vegetarian. I eat no meat. I eat meet.
:- Doug.
Throw your life at life; it matters not where you end up, count only that you assaulted the ascent; hope and despair are impostors—seek not to save the world, but to take it a step closer.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 938
There is another way
Banks have cut off our money supply
Wait for the flow to start again or
Is there another way?There is another way
Buy tomatoes from slavers’ hands
Or burn all that oil to get them here or
Is there another way?There is another way
Live with oppression or
Start a war or
Is there another way?There is another way
Plead for a job
Or live in tent city or
Is there another way?There is another way
The needs we had last summer
& people to meet them still exist
There is another way
Please pass it on.
© c 2009, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT
It has been given to me to write in little sayings, not in long stories which I love, nor long essays and books which clear human minds. Poetry is my ax and hammer, shortness my lumber and nails. From these I do not complete the cathedral; merely start the scaffolding. Others are the builders and architects; I get to stir a bit in their blood and imaginations.
:- Doug.
Our past boundaries will we surpass
Our forces of light will we mobilize
It was never a question of attaining
:- Doug.
Election day: Today’s the day we take charge of our village, town, city, region, country, world—or die a little more in apathy. Election day is every day.
:- Doug.
Life is a series of voyages
from each there
can be
no return
Do what you have
an inkling to do!
:- Doug.
It is possible for people today to come up with something new that people adopt: consider how many centuries of lugging it took before anyone thought to put on wheels. So too our meetings: where can we add wheels?
:- Doug.
Use what you already know. Ask. Do. Use—Ask—Do
:- Doug.
WEave people together. Try the experiment. This is the main event. There may be another.
:- Doug.
What is the best we can do for our community? For our great-grandchildren?
:- Doug.
It takes both learning and doing. Some learn best in a classroom setting with handouts and power points; some learn best by putting their hands on the wet clay.
:- Doug.
Despair is an impostor—the worst we fear seldom comes to pass—and our fear wasted our energies & efforts—it keeps us from seeing what is actually there—& the opportunity we have—& our choices—the secret is that hope—the other face of this Janus—by looking forward also blinds us—from what we must see—actuality & purpose—calling us to leave behind these two impostors—despair and hope
:- Doug.
How could we have opened more space?
:- Doug.
Each person
opportunity to open space
opportunity to start love
opportunity to poke holes
Why then complain
on behalf of your different plans?
:- Doug.
Look closely, look widely,
hear the soul and spirit speaking,
Trust me! Trust me!
Turn me loose!
I will good!
:- Doug.
Look closely!
What do you see
in your spirit?
Do you see possibility
—goodness—in people?
In yourself?
Dance to this music!
Sing loudly!
Care not what think
those who cannot feel the rhythm
fear not the monsters without ears
& hearts
:- Doug.
We must
find the music
or we are lost for
:- Doug.
Without speaking
our desires
are undisclosed
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 937
Asking for what we need—is something we have forgotten in our culture. Wondrous stuff when we do.
People are good, people are trustworthy: another facet of love.
Please pass it on.
© c 2009, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT