Whom does war
Whom does war help?
Whom does war serve?
:- Doug.

Stitched together
loosely? delicately
our hears our hands
our hearts
the needles, be they
questions or stories
a hand on a hand
a glance,
pierce us
the multicolor threads of
our meetings…meetings…
making us who we are
and our own fingers
do the pulling
so it seems…seams…
:- Doug.
The article said Anwar Sadat visited Israelis in their homes to “challenge their fears.” What fears do we need to challenge in ourselves? Meet.
:- Doug.
Maslow says (The Farther Reaches of Human Nature, p 167) “a higher order of environment tends to lift the level of the person….” This can suggest to us that we can be the environment for other persons: as we lift the level of conversation, we lift the level of persons, and of our world.
:- Doug.
The more power we give away the more we have. When we invite others to help we have a party more fun, a world made larger, a life more full. Flowing waters bring flow above and below. We grow the good.
:- Doug.