Dancing out of the mist
I am working out my relationship with you, the divine! I am dancing out of the mist with you, O mystery!
:- Doug.

I am working out my relationship with you, the divine! I am dancing out of the mist with you, O mystery!
:- Doug.
Perhaps we don’t so much want to “take things to scale,” as to make a way to realize at once magnitude and direction: make larger positive change. In a word vectorize.
:- Doug.
Nexus of caring
+ Being heard
= Raised actual value of one’s self
+ Truth told
= Bringing the ideal within reach
Nexus of caring
+ Diversity of peoples
= Unitive insight
:- Doug.
Best people
+ Best moments
+ Best conditions
= Peak experiences
~ What open space invites
When we bring together the best people (anybody with a good head and a good heart), and the best moments (space-times in which issues they care about are on the table and they really get into the meat of the issues), and the best conditions (a space in which they can safely, fully express themselves and hear all voices), we get the possibility of peak experiences; this is what open space and any conversation that matters proposes and invites. It is an experiment worth trying.
:- Doug.