Absorption, fear and love
Fear is the opposite of love; fear is the opposite of creativity: what does that say. “Absorption casts out fear” writes Maslow; is not absorption a word for love?
:- Doug.

Fear is the opposite of love; fear is the opposite of creativity: what does that say. “Absorption casts out fear” writes Maslow; is not absorption a word for love?
:- Doug.
One risk of the expert at the front of the room syndrome: this expert’s solution to our puzzle is only valid if several things coincide:
1. Our set of facts is similar enough to the set with which the expert is familiar;
2. The expert recognizes all significant similarities and differences;
3. The expert has adequately studied and diagnosed our setting;
4. The expert is having a good day;
5. We are receptive to the expert to the extent appropriate;
6. The message of the expert is correctly transferred;
7. We have the will and means to do what the expert prescribes;
8. The expert’s prescription fits us.
There are likely other important prerequisites as well. If these don’t coincide, then what is our best course?
:- Doug.
Inspiring does not always need to produce something never before seen. A grade-schooler finally getting arithmetic can be at a life-turning, world-changing place. Honoring your inspiration is the thing: put it to work.
:- Doug.
What are the conditions for improvising?
What are the conditions for nexus?
Might they be the same?
:- Doug.