Footprints in the Windsm # 912
Footprints in the Windsm # 912
What is my life about? There is a phrase in the Duino Elegies which calls to me: “But what is blowing like a breeze, listen to that, / the uninterrupted message forming itself out of stillness.” It is that message forming itself, the stillness that is G*d, all about us, out of which mist we walk, forming ourselves as we live, forming our lives as we live them, that I want to touch, to live, to simply live. Flowing, uninterrupted, it is. I am. I AM. All related, all part of the mist, the stillness, the is there. My life is about forming my life. My message is about forming my message. My work is about forming our life. It is all about us, forming, forming, out of the mist.
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