Expanding horizons
Come also from
Seeing or hearing
:- Doug.
Expanding horizons
Come also from
Seeing or hearing
:- Doug.
G*d seeks us
For us
For need
For reaching
G*d can reach more
Through us
Yet it is for
Joy of Reaching
:- Doug.
Profound genius
Utter stupidity
In each of us
:- Doug.
G*d meets us.
:- Doug.
:- Doug.
We don’t need a god we can manipulate. We need one who….
:- Doug.
Poetry, this making
Focuses us on images
Stories, action
Hear and now to
Stay and Play
:- Doug.
Who cares, do.
:- Doug.
Open Space always works and it never works—It always gets people working on what they care about. It never gives the full-control people what they want.
:- Doug.
Pond is muddy from the rains
Leaves are dancing in the airs
Birds still call to one another
So do we, so do we
:- Doug.
The heart is directly connected to the ears: if we are heard, we love.
:- Doug.
Conversation is dialogical through and through. Of course you’ll need to converse to invite, to suggest its possibilities. You’ll want to converse a lot.
:- Doug.
This is The Conspiracy—we call on people to breathe together to invent a better world. Conspire with me.
:- Doug.
Ask it in the morning
Ask it in the evening
Ask it when you’re tired
Ask it when your sprightly
Ask your friends
Especially ask a stranger every day—
What can we do?
:- Doug.
A User’s Guide—words and thoughts to open you:
Balamah, village of mystery
Circles about Harrison
Dancers, Drummers, horn players
Expectations of rhythms swirling
Flowing people, flowing, flowing
Geometry sacred more profane
However it comes evokes humanity
Inviting initiations, issues, opportunities
Joining collaborative effort
Kin we are to bees and butterflies
Large rooms, small, all space for the law
Medicine wheels, morning gatherings, mobility
News walls
OSonOS: what kind of a word is that?
Passion it elicits from us
Quantum of Spirit its mythos
Reflections on responsibility in a shoe factory
Space likes to be held, to hold lightly the
Tibetan temple bells calling calling
Unexpected situations call us to our own
Village marketplace
Walls somehow create space
Xenophobes make friends of the strange and
Yawning, the man in the hat disappears to
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 893
Know what the trees say in a windstorm? “Wheeeeeee!”
Please pass it on.
© c 2008, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com. Back issues available at http://www.FootprintsintheWind.com
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Some work with rich people
Who fear being poor
Some with poor people
Who want to be rich
Let me work with people
Who want to be
Part of us all
:- Doug.
Let us find our power
Our voice
Our legitimate work in the world
Beyond just about us
Far beyond
:- Doug.
People can rise to the occasion. Say no more. Get to it.
:- Doug.
Ω 1Heart is my practice. How can I bring heart to the practice of law? Practice is the thing I do regularly to help me live fully. How can I apply that?
:- Doug.
Whoever hears one soul, hears the world entire.
:- Doug.