You mean us all
You are the one who sustains us. You mean it all; you mean us all.
:- Doug.

Why disorganize our community? Do you want a serious answer, or a light-hearted one? Jugular or jocular?
:- Doug.
No final answers, a continuing of the search, the path: working on bringing your divinity to my world, the world, repairing the world, turning it upside down, disorganizing, meeting. WEave!
:- Doug.
Mountains, fire, wind howling
Brush strokes across the skies
These speak to me of G*d
Who do they say you?
:- Doug.
We have told ourselves stories of God, making “him” into an angry old man on a judgment seat, a lover of music and incense and blood-sacrifice, or a good natured father, dandling children on “his” knee, passing out sugar plums. Our difficult task is to shed those images, true or otherwise, to find who is G*d. Who lives?
:- Doug.