A speaker is good for information; but for action?
A speaker, a panel is good for information—a new thing to know or a new point of view. For action, for wisdom, for the wisdom of the between, we need the sparks of other persons met.
:- Doug.

A speaker, a panel is good for information—a new thing to know or a new point of view. For action, for wisdom, for the wisdom of the between, we need the sparks of other persons met.
:- Doug.
I am giving people a new skill: of creating a world. Yet it is not a skill but something they are inventing: conversation. And it is not I but we. Nor is it them but us. And it is not conversation, but the flow the dynamics of us.
:- Doug.
Can we create time? Weaving interstices of multiple lives opens this possibility.
:- Doug.
We need to work at being advocates for the disenfranchised so that their voices are heard.
:- Doug.
Ω 1This is a sacred moment: We need to respect the moment and our thoughts and emotions, and see what we can learn of them.
:- Doug.
These have been deep and rich conversations, and it is that which I wish to bring to the rest of the world.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 883
You’ve been in this kind of meeting. People saying ordinary things. Nothing much happening. —And then—something clicks. Maybe an offhand remark not noticed by the person speaking. Someone else picks up on it. You are sparked.
It’s not the people. It was the convergence of these people, this time, these thoughts. Something no one carried into the meeting carries you out.
You met.
Truly. And all those other “meetings” deserve the quotes, for they are pale by comparison.
What if we could meet this way on purpose?
We can. We just have to design our assemblings so we have opportunities to meet. Meet as humans with good heads…& good hearts. Meet to cause good.
Please pass it on.
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Once you pour it out on the ground, you cannot put it back into the bottle.
:- Doug.
We have a gift in this circle and we have to make it a gift to the whole planet.
:- Doug.
We have to open space in our life for what matters—not all the stuff we tend to fill it up with.
:- Doug.
What in the world do you care about? is an all-person question. It leads a lot of directions: What are you doing about that? How is that going? Who else does that involve? Who else would you like to see involved? What’s next? What if you had a handful of people working on it with you? How would you approach it? Why do you care about it? Why should others care about it—why should I? When is it important? Whom does it affect? How did you arrive at the importance of that?
:- Doug.
There was a stirring at the start
A swirling I had sought
The moving the betweening this is love
This is *
:- Doug.
The warp and woof
Needing the thread
The between
The love
The hate
The every verb
The working
The heat
The dance
The song
This is
:- Doug.
Spirit moves through people’s attitudes. Examples are the Pharaoh and the great army fleeing in fear. Spirit is with humans, suffering with. Spirit is connected through the heart.
:- Doug.
Here is how you touch divinity: in meeting. Between you and another is the movement divine. Wind moves: hear.
:- Doug.