Do we have community in South Bend?
Do we have community in South Bend? Do you feel part of something? What does community look like?
:- Doug.

Do we have community in South Bend? Do you feel part of something? What does community look like?
:- Doug.
As I was waking, I glimpsed a different 4-H: Heads, Hearts, Hands, and Hearing. This is about doing these things together, moving beyond tribalism and individualism to a new synthesis. Collective mind is easy to see in brainstorming. Collective heart in giving in the wake of disasters. Collective hands in barn raisings and volunteer projects. But collective hearing is something we do not do, because we do not speak vulnerably, openly, freely—our individualism has trained us to fear others, rather than turning to them. We must turn to one another.
:- Doug.