Lyrical worlds
There is simply more that goes on when people meet than you can account for. We are in the world of the lyrical.
:- Doug.

There is simply more that goes on when people meet than you can account for. We are in the world of the lyrical.
:- Doug.
We exercise the power we always had when we kindly admit that we author our own fears and the labels they generate; and when we move with love and kindness to invite, welcome and work with strangers.
:- Doug.
We like certainty. But only life itself is certain: Its form, its residence in any individual instance, its play among us, is not certain. We are given the pieces to play only while we have our turn.
:- Doug.
We need to find a way to accept that despair, hubris and abdication are part of humanity still stretching…and reach to help us grow.
:- Doug.
Do you see South Bend as us?
When you walk into a room
Do you think “We” or “Them?”
Who did this to us?
—The wrong question—
Surely we have done this to ourselves—
What will get us to “our room?”
:- Doug.
Conversation is action. Conversation is bringing a new way of thinking, seeing and talking about our capacities—and responsibilities.
:- Doug.
I’m not saying that what we have been doing is wrong; only that it is not big enough. Is it working? Is assigning blame getting us past the human condition? Is looking for leaders to solve our problems for us solving our problems? Is seeing the world through problem-colored glasses getting rid of problems? Does any of this bring in lasting new energy?
:- Doug.
We need to approach each person, especially those we think needy, call them by name, and ask for their help.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 874
People talking are people doing
People talking are taking responsibility
For our world
Please pass it on.
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I have nothing against working to solve new problems—like a flood or getting people out of a burning building. It is working on old problems which we have tried to solve and resolved to keep trying the same thing. How’s that working for us? We may have mis-identified the problem. Or maybe it is not a problem and our solution is. Maybe the people are not broken and we are meddling. Meddling and helping are two subtle ways hubris shows up.
:- Doug.
Divine-human Friend: Be among us, encourage us to find a way to bring love and life and all the being we can be to our meeting and world.
:- Doug.
My spirit is on fire!
My feet jangle
My mind is creating
I call in friends
This we gotta share!
:- Doug.
This is a radical change in society—no more relying on others to do it to or for us—no more being victims nor fighters—but taking charge, making small changes, making the world work for everyone in our community.
But I fly so quickly to the grand. What is it I want people to do today? I want them to gather 3 or 4 other people and dream. I want them to take some small steps toward their dream, together.
:- Doug.