Where is it written?
Where is it written? Do you need to find it written? Here, I’ll write it for you.
:- Doug.
Where is it written? Do you need to find it written? Here, I’ll write it for you.
:- Doug.
What being do we share? Not merely within each of us, but between and among us?
:- Doug.
Fullness of life
Fullness of love
Fullness of being
This is fullness
:- Doug.
Two birds fly by my window—one just clearing the roof line, one barely missing the corner of the building. Where are the birds flying? They can find seeds and grubs on any square yard of lawn, so they could walk. They may need to get up into the trees to get away from predators, but why then fly this moment, this sunny morning, when they are not escaping nor heading for a nest? Is there joy? Is there looking for something better elsewhere? Is there scattered thinking? Do they have a shadow? What is for them the more?
:- Doug.