If you seek conversation, debate
If you seek conversation, I am here. If you seek debate, I am there.
:- Doug.

If you seek conversation, I am here. If you seek debate, I am there.
:- Doug.
We can make a difference. For those who suffer. For justice. For the generations.
:- Doug.
This is our insurmountable heap—which we are climbing: plenty of people suffering, plenty of people to help, how to put them together? Just here, just now. Just hear, just now.
:- Doug.
Science is learning that we are hard-wired for compassion and helping. If we see another being suffering, if we hear of it, we are moved. Being moved, we are more apt to be moved more. This is chemical, this is in the brain, this is physical as well as mental. Helping once gives us a physical shot which prepares us to help again and help more.
This is one answer to how to reach people: talk about the suffering of others, talk about people who have helped and are helping and invite others to the party. Invite them to their own party.
:- Doug.
The real questions—what are the real questions? How then shall we live? How shall we provide a shelter from the weather, food, warmth, clothing? We need to do so with the sweat of our brow, and yet these things seem so little—we should be able to obtain them with only this sweat—they should not be outside the reach of any.
:- Doug.