G*d is the one–
G*d is the one…who wants all of you.
:- Doug.

Give all of your self to me means more than throwing yourself in front of the onrushing train. It means doing it in a full-brained whole way: you cannot give what you do not have, so it is important to rest and play and contemplate. It is important to withdraw and meet. This is not to say withhold anything, for in this withdrawing and playing is engagement—full, embodied, present!
:- Doug.
If people really were working their butts off…think what that would look like! Fields piled high with butts. Buildings littered with butts. People working their butts off clearing all the butts out of the way to make room for more to be added to the piles. Open a door and out pour butts!
:- Doug.
G*d wants all of you, and the only way to get it is if you give it. The world your spouse your children your grandchildren your community want all of you—and you cannot decide or for some other reason or none at all, withhold. Thus G*d meets your face and invites you to turn back to G*d’s face. Trust the people, ask their help, give.
:- Doug.