Salesperson seeking prospects
Salesperson seeking prospects
Business owner seeking customers
Woman reaching out to her husband
We all seek each other:
Rather than money
What if we sought each other first?
:- Doug.
Salesperson seeking prospects
Business owner seeking customers
Woman reaching out to her husband
We all seek each other:
Rather than money
What if we sought each other first?
:- Doug.
It is winter
When trees live in their buds
:- Doug.
The world
he gave to us
to mangle
or to jangle
:- Doug.
This morning I was reading some material about consensus in church congregations. The writer said that one way to see it is as making decisions that everyone can live with—not unanimity. Another way the writer said was an interpretation of the Friends approach: as a continuation of worship, with an intention to listen for the direction of G*d.
Hmmm…G*d is all directions!
:- Doug.