Nature as our incarnation
Interesting: we moderns take a lot of our lessons from nature, elevating nature to the position of an incarnation of G*d.
:- Doug.

Interesting: we moderns take a lot of our lessons from nature, elevating nature to the position of an incarnation of G*d.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 812
Just because it’s invisible doesn’t mean it’s not there.
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Ken Wilbur says that we cannot say things about what God is or God is not. So what if we worked a little on the comparative concept of G*d.
For instance, for me G*d is more open than I, more creative than I, more holy than I (but Jesus said Don’t fall down and worship me, be my friends; hmmm…). G*d is more friendly than I. G*d is less afraid than I, more willing to be vulnerable than I. Now that opens up some doors of perception, yes?
:- Doug.
Ponder sits and if with her you enter not in
You see not all that she is doing
For with others she conceives and brings forth ideas
Ideas strong, weak, vig’rous, whispering
Together they raise, clothe, feed, clean them
To the day they meet action
Action brings them to fruition and fruition again
But if your eyes do not see you do not see
Into the sweet folds
Straight Action wants to go
Sometimes knowing that Fruit emerges here
Both Ponder and Action are necessary to bear Fruit
They must come together in fleshy joining
That there be Fruit aplenty and joy, happiness!
:- Doug.
Jesus forgave our sin, and for that he was killed. That is the forward way around.
:- Doug.
What imagination do we have? What imagination will we put to work? For we cannot just administer—vision is the partner in the dance. If we cannot see something better, why?
:- Doug.
We stand at the edge, having come here feeling our way. We peer over the edge into the unknown, fearing and loving in a confused mix. We look back over our safe past…but never was it safe, was it? We came through our species’ childhood in caves with crawly things and around fires to keep the howling at bay. We came to our youth of creating commerce…and slaves and wars. We have learned…but what have we learned? Is there a place for peace, a place for love, a place for a world each one of us—and all of us together—wants? What do we see? What can we see? For this abyss we stare into is our own eyes. Can we see? What do we want to see? Will we see in time—you and I?
:- Doug.
Many a How is Hollow. The dominant culture is dominance. That dominance is empty, too.
:- Doug.
Organizing is of the reason, the straight line, the do. It follows vision or it wanders aimlessly claiming to aim but having none. This is why Peter Bloch says The Answer to How is Yes: we need to find a Yes, a vision, a prophecy, before we get to How, or our How is Hollow.
:- Doug.
In order to consciously evolve, we need to imagine that toward which we unfold.
:- Doug.
We stand on the brink of imagination
To walk forward
creates lives loves
Who hesitates
dies kills evaporates
:- Doug.
First vision, then action: contraries dancing with one another. Without vision, action is empty; without action, vision is empty: vision and action fill one another.
:- Doug.
We can all be prophets, forth-telling the future—if we go on so, we get so. We can tell of a new Heaven and a new Earth, the one we all want to see.
This is love, to make a world we all want.
:- Doug.
We have progressed from nothing to blind existence to blind sight; now we stand ready to vision. Can we dare to leap?
:- Doug.
We did not have the sight to see in previous eons, now we see. We see what we did this last century: killing, enslaving, dehumanizing. Now we have the choice to imagine a better world.
:- Doug.