Do not see a society without conflict
I do not see a society without conflict. I suspect that would not be healthy. Instead I see a society which is constructive.
:- Doug.

I do not see a society without conflict. I suspect that would not be healthy. Instead I see a society which is constructive.
:- Doug.
The contraries Dream and Act spin each other round and round, and we are carried forward. Never in straight lines, for that is not the way of living things, but in enjoyment and leaps without bothering to cross the space between, for they are the betweens!
:- Doug.
The unknown always looks like an abyss, ready to swallow us up; the known always looks comfortable. Mud and blood we know, and slogging is familiar; leave us alone: do not wake us. Yet the unknown is not so unknown: it is within us and grows out of us, goes a step at a time, never too fast for us to keep up, always fast enough to leave us breathless and reaching to touch the good.
:- Doug.
This is our challenge: we stand on the brink of a larger humanity. Behind us is smallness and death and shrinking. Which do we choose?
:- Doug.