In Eternity imagining is perceiving
In Eternity imagining is perceiving
So says Genesis
For G*d spoke & it was so
And G* saw & it was good
:- Doug.

In Eternity imagining is perceiving
So says Genesis
For G*d spoke & it was so
And G* saw & it was good
:- Doug.
The next step in our conscious evolution is imagination, especially its group forms.
:- Doug.
Conscious evolution in our times = imagination
Imagination in large part = a group activity
Imagination therefore = conversation
Imagination = engaging the body
Imagination like time = has an arrow
Imagination = weaving calls for help, help, and people
Imagination = Creator
= G*d
:- Doug.
Imagination is not simply brainstorming. Such is the daydreaming of infants, when they have not the raw material. If we are prevented from putting it to work then we are stunting the work of imagination, we are holding people back, and that is the work of nothing, of evil: That is the work of holding back divinity and divine work. So there is a factor of putting the imagination to work, on the ground. It must enlist the body. It takes hands and legs and minds and hearts to make up imagination.
:- Doug.