Only people
Only people can visualize
Titles cannot
Only people can meet
Corporations cannot
Only people can make peace
Governments cannot
Only people can imagine
Only we
:- Doug.

Only people can visualize
Titles cannot
Only people can meet
Corporations cannot
Only people can make peace
Governments cannot
Only people can imagine
Only we
:- Doug.
We were not & now we are
We were seed & now we live
We were blind & now we see
We now see & stand before imagine
Now can we—what can we do?
:- Doug.
Don’t buy your charity
Holding back your body and your soul
With a bargain for your life
Give your all
:- Doug.
What makes us real is our divine vision
What makes G*d and any artist eternal is
the artist’s divine vision
expressed in the totality of the artist’s creation
Vision alone cannot create
—It must first meet
—After meet, create
Vision—fertile ground—meet
G*d the mix the weave the meet
Human needs human to create
G*d did not create before man
Once G*d met G*d in man, creating!
:- Doug.